Friday, February 26, 2010

Now and Then

My dear SE has accompanied me since 2006, it has gone through ups and downs with me for more than 4 years. I remember my darling once said "You must be a loyal person", I asked why. And the answer was "Do you know how OBSOLETE your phone is???!!!"
Well, not sure how loyal I am. But I am pretty sure that I am not so good with technology-updates. They are just too fast for a slow-learner like me. Anyway, SE is still working well, but it has showed some deteriorating signs; it's screen gone blank every now and then since 3 weeks ago. I am still using it 'til this second, though Bro already got me a new phone, a BB (Nice Bro, huh?) I am still not used with BB... he he he. Here they are, my current BF and my future BF... 

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Hole on My Feet

 This's the cut I got from the Cubadak Island trip. Quite nasty.
Healing now...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Cubadak Island trip

I guess it has been quite a difficult trip for AIESEC students when they are assigned to Padang. The city is naturally beautiful, but they couldn’t find much interesting activities here. Public transport (angkot) in Padang is quite tricky, they hardly carry their destination name or number on its body. And no route-map available at all; the only way to identify them is by their colour. It seems like only the locals know the way around. The locals are only able to speak 2 languages: Bahasa Indonesian and Bahasa Minang, their local dialect. So apart from infrastructure problem, they’d face a lot of communication problem.

Anyway, I really pity them so my parents recommend to take them to some small islands near Padang. Since they already visited Sikuai Island, yesterday (21Jan2010) we arranged the trip to Cubadak Island (Cubadak means Jackfruit in Minang language). Previously, we hardly recommend Cubadak Paradiso Village because the only way to get there is from Pantai Carocok - Tarusan, which need 1.5hours drive and 10mins boat-trip to get there. The driving trip was quite nasty, seems like we go on never-ending circle.
The 10 minutes boat trip was delightful, it was an easy one. Once you approached the island, you’ll be greeted by Mr.Nani & Ms.Dominique, super friendly owner. I think they are French, but they speak perfect Indonesian. Then Ms.Dom showed us rooms get change (complete with bedding and bathroom). I can’t believe they provide us with rooms, we were only on day-trip! How nice!!!

Me & AIESEC students started explore the shore, not long, we went into the water. It was quite murky, I guess it is because of last-night hard rain. So, we wasn’t able to see through the water, we just walk and walk in the water. I didn’t know there were many coral around; I cut my feet, so did others... hiks... hiks...

Around noon time, Ms. Dom reminded us that the lunch will be serve at 1pm, which later conveniently announced by bell rings. So cool…!!! The lunch was so nice, yesterday we were served tomato and quail eggs salad, friend pumpkins, calamari rings and chicken in soysauce. Yummy!!!

Then after lunch, we braved ourselves to try snorkeling. I’ve never done it before. Gave it a few try, was quite hard for me to breathe from mouth. But after a few dips, I saw incredible scenery down there – the water suddenly becomes clear and I was able to pretty fishes and amazing corals. Naturally, I was able to snorkel. Hahahaha. The more I explore, the more I see, then I saw a group of sea-urchins; they really made my heart skipped. I decided to avoid them, I don’t wanna get poisonous punctures.

Later on me and other 3 AIESEC students took the rowing boat and started to explore the nearby reef. Basically we rowed, stopped and dipped our heads down the water to have a peek. It was amazing scenery down there!!! I saw many colourful reef creatures, saw fishes, giant clams, some crab-alike creatures, cuttlefish etc. Also saw a huge sea-urchin look alike creature, but it was so huge and it has striking blue colour; so I guess it was poisonous. On the way back, near the honey-moon suite, we saw a weird thing popping from the water, it was huge, slightly pinkish, swimmed slowly and has tail; we tried to get a close look, but it disappeared. I later asked Ms.Dom, who explained it was humphead parrotfish which commonly feed around the coral.

Overall, it was a very amazing trip. I hope AIESEC students enjoy it. For me, the trip was really worth the money. I really wish I could stay overnight there. Anyway, my only regret is that I don’t have underwater camera. I wish I can capture those pretty creatures for you to see. Will go there again, soon.

ps: Pics here are taken from Cubadak Paradiso website, I'll put up some of my personal pics... if there are any taken by the students

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fear Feasting

Have you ever watched Monster Inc. by Pixar? Basically the cute movie is about monsters who tried to scare kids and utilize their fear as power source of Monstropolis. It maybe a cute movie for kids, but it actually happens around us, in reality. Well, I didn't mean there are monsters in Monster Inc. are real, but what I am trying to say is, there are people out there who are feasting on others' fear. Not everybody will experience these things, some are very lucky to never meet such evil predator.

Start when you are a kid. Remember those days when bigger-built-kids bully you and snatch your snacks?
At school, the mean teacher keep threatening you with fancy punishment if you don’t get your parents to sign insurance that they secretly selling? (some teachers have a side job as insurance sales)
Policeman who caught you red-handed crossing lane (illegally?) and made you pay a lump sum of money
When a bloody fortune-teller keep filling your heads with accidents, misfortunes and curses when you don’t follow their "holy" requests. Or even worse, he poisons people surrounding you to ensure you’ll forever be his loyal slave. (I am smart enough to know it is all for your earthy needs)

Don’t you have anything else to do other than feasting on people’s fear? I really pity your victims, dedicating their life to be dictated by fear you infested on them.

Unfortunately I no longer fear you, WHAT are you anyway? Just a ZERO-self-esteemed guy who can't accept having a powerful wife. You really can’t think of anything else to do to exceed your wife, right? Sad sad sad. I pity you.
I don’t care if others are still feeding you. But I won’t be one of them.