Saturday, October 8, 2016

Trying to be a Better Me

 I've been working out since last year. I would say I hit the gym everyday except when I am on my trips, which is a lot. A lot of skipping gym days and tonnes of good foods!!! How could you refuse food good?
So I guess my progress is slow, I am nowhere near the ripped stage yet, I don't even lose weight, I gained. Maybe one of the ultimate culprit is that, I WORK OUT FOR FOOD, I love eating. I eat big meals after I'm back from working out, which is a big NO if you wanna lose weight - said my trainer.
See if I can start to keep my appetite low. Well, that is AFTER my Japan trip!!! Sushi and sashimi, here I come!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

me on Instagram!

Introducing my new social-media, I am on Instagram, under the name:
Maybe kinda late to join the Intragram train, hehehe... but yeah, it's fun to see pictures from around the world!! Make me wanna travel more and more :)