Friday, February 26, 2010

Now and Then

My dear SE has accompanied me since 2006, it has gone through ups and downs with me for more than 4 years. I remember my darling once said "You must be a loyal person", I asked why. And the answer was "Do you know how OBSOLETE your phone is???!!!"
Well, not sure how loyal I am. But I am pretty sure that I am not so good with technology-updates. They are just too fast for a slow-learner like me. Anyway, SE is still working well, but it has showed some deteriorating signs; it's screen gone blank every now and then since 3 weeks ago. I am still using it 'til this second, though Bro already got me a new phone, a BB (Nice Bro, huh?) I am still not used with BB... he he he. Here they are, my current BF and my future BF... 

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