Alone I am, though surrounded by those called themselves angels
Living in paradise, lullabied by heavenly music
How lonely and boring can this be
I look down to see those suffering creatures. Sigh...
If only they worship me more religiously
They often forgotten me, making me so upset. I need to remind them "Hey, I am here"
These creatures don't deserve to be happy. You are not created to be happy.
Your only purpose is to glorify me. You are my minions.
They ignored me... So, I remind them. Again and again.
I sent some disasters... flood, earthquake, war...
I took their loved ones
Then they prayed, but still, I need to warn them... I need their worships to be alive
I longed to be needed and adored
You must love me!
You must need me!
You are not supposed to breathe without praising my name!
You can't live without me!
I am your saviour!
Well maybe you can. But I will never ever let you to forget about me. Never!
I kept sending messages. I sent them diseases... a little suffering won't hurt, right?
After all, I am just testing their faithfulness to me.
Prove it! I really need your prayers, begging and sacrifices to keep me alive.
Don't let me die.
Please remember, I never give a test that surpass your ability
Well, if it does, well, you'll be graduated and be given a seat beside me.
On my right side.
Isn't that what you always wish for?
Sometimes I wonder, is this what you always called "Superhero Syndrome"?
or am I having "Angel of Mercy" syndrome? Haha, well... I am full of mercy, right?
You! You need to suffer more!!! I will make you suffer...
So your tears, bloods, prayers, sacrifices, screams...make my Holy Throne shiny and warm
I am the mighty one
Worship me or I shall punish you
god like or megalomaniac madness
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