My last trip was a basic shopping trip: Paris & Milan. Mostly Paris.
There is a place there that is a must-visit: Gallery Lafayette
I didn't say that it's a must visit because it is the greatest, the biggest and the most fancy department store in the whole Paris.
I say that because it seems like... all tourists are drawn to this place only. I was there on a fine afternoon and the dept store was flooded with human
People are queuing for a fancy bag, having a big-built 'bouncer' to let people in and out (when they already made purchase). People are queuing for a tax refund paper works, and more people queuing for getting the tax refund on the premise
It is very interesting to examine the behavior...
It is so easy to see which country prosper this year. Most of the people there are Mainland Chinese.
A lot of them. Unlike HK-nese or TW-nese, I am NOT against anything about Mainland Chinese shopping spree. They have the right to spend whatever theirs. Won't judge, I am glad for them.
But seriously, that place was super crowded, the department store should have done something about it. It's just not comfy anymore.
Retreated from the hustle and bustle of the busy and chic Paris, I end up sitting at the corner Gallery Lafayette's Gourmet department - enjoying my quiet Bday soba, with Mom.
There goes another year... Happy Bday myself :)
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