Monday, December 21, 2015

On the Hunt

December is here. the year is coming to its end soon.
Life still goes on as it does, sun still rises and sets
But the financial year is coming to end soon, targets to be achieved, clock is ticking ... fast

During this month, I feel like a prey
Insurance companies, Bank marketing been hunting me like a chick cornered by troop of cats
phone is ringing non stop
Instant messages keep beeping
People kept popping up (without notice) upon the door
Sticking their butt forever even when I said I am busy (you want the money, right? I need to work for that bloody money, damn it!) and worse, following to gym
Bombarded with tonnes of financial advice about death is certain, dead husband, dependent kids, etc etc... my goodness. Just because I don't buy insurance from you, doesn't mean I am totally ignorant about my future.
Plus, the husband and kids part doesn't affect me at all >.<

These people do not understand the word NO
I do understand they need to meet their ends, but I have every right to decide my own financial arrangement
Some... after rejected, gave a super sulk face, like I have been robbing their "future" bonuses, and go bitching around
Some... begging for pity, that if target not hit, they will not get their commission

Still, it is very unfair for me to be stalked.
I do not know you before, I do not trust you, I do not owe you. I don't even remember your name.
It is unethical, I really hate it when they followed me around just to get me sign that piece of paper
I am not interested
Even if I wanna keep my money under my bed, it is still my decision


Anonymous said...

kasian la... cari duit ga gampang skr ni

ming said...

oi, kontek gw. gw butuh bantuan loe. asap!

Anonymous said...

ga mau ah (sombong dikit)