Sunday, September 12, 2010

The WangNoi Invasion

Was attacked by troops of WangNoi mosquitoes. Time of the attack is suspected around night time, though there were around-the-clock attacks was possible. Despite of the reinforced-net-shield, the troops was still able to penetrate. Resulting in total 56 bombings, with 19 bombs landed on right shoulder even though the area was protected by clothing (see picture).
The rest of the bomb scattered mostly around foot and arms.
There are also some nearly-impossible attacks on waist, butt and thigh;  method of the attack was suspected to be guerrilla in split-second of shower time.

Purpose of the attacks:
It was believed to fulfill the troops necessity of blood-supply for their future reproduction

The Revolution:
After 1st attack, victim became well-aware of the situation and was armed with anti-mosquito biochemical-weapon. The weapon was not 100% effective; but together with the reinforced-net-shield, it decreased the brutality of the attacks in great scale

Recent Development:
The itching caused by bombings are no longer severe
But the physical scars caused by the attack will linger longer
Local pharmacies have been consulted to ease the pain and scar
Thus, a series of post-trauma treatments has been implemented


Anonymous said...

how come you can count on the 'bombs' ???

ming said...

there's something call mirror... all i need to do is follow the damn itches :(
even on my butt cheek