Saturday, March 21, 2009

Popping Butterflies

15 Mar 2009
I quit my slumber at 5am this morning, fighting hard the Zzz monster. But I got a bigger mission, taking picture of emerging butterflies. Well, I took some “caterpillar to butterfly” pictures before (see here), but at that time I missed the emerging scenes.

2 weeks ago, I had an urge to get a citrus-tree. As always, when I have an urge, I will go for it, without 2nd thought. Anyway I got the citrus-tree for cheap, only USD2 !!! Hohoho… and it came with a set of…. Guess it!!!….Yap!!! A set of caterpillars !!!

From so many caterpillars, only 4 survived to go to chrysalis stage. And last Saturday, one chrysalis already hatched. So yesterday, before I go to bed, I checked the chrysalises, 2 are confirmed to “hatch” early this morning. Butterflies always hatch in the dawn.

So, 1st thing I did is I moved the plants into the building for better lighting (it was super dark outside. I had just enough time to set up my camera, and 1st butterfly emerged, in just 1-2 seconds. I took some of her pictures, then I focus on the 2nd un-emerged butterfly, there, I was able to capture the emerge of a butterfly. It was quick! The newly emerged butterflies peed some thick grayish liquid for a few times (no scent what-so-ever, yeah, I smelled it, since she peed on my hand). They both emerged with a wrinkled wings, but in no time, it just straighten up, but they both took along time to dry their new wing & more pee-ing (making them having a slender torso)

After spending 2 hours in my apartment for a photoshooting session, I brought the citrus plant back outside, and both Swallowtail butterflies then flew away. So glad!!! Yeah I did my research, it is a Swallowtail butterflies ^.^

Ah… 1 more to go, the last chrysalis. ^.^
Hope they come back to lay their eggs here ...

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