Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fear Feasting

Have you ever watched Monster Inc. by Pixar? Basically the cute movie is about monsters who tried to scare kids and utilize their fear as power source of Monstropolis. It maybe a cute movie for kids, but it actually happens around us, in reality. Well, I didn't mean there are monsters in Monster Inc. are real, but what I am trying to say is, there are people out there who are feasting on others' fear. Not everybody will experience these things, some are very lucky to never meet such evil predator.

Start when you are a kid. Remember those days when bigger-built-kids bully you and snatch your snacks?
At school, the mean teacher keep threatening you with fancy punishment if you don’t get your parents to sign insurance that they secretly selling? (some teachers have a side job as insurance sales)
Policeman who caught you red-handed crossing lane (illegally?) and made you pay a lump sum of money
When a bloody fortune-teller keep filling your heads with accidents, misfortunes and curses when you don’t follow their "holy" requests. Or even worse, he poisons people surrounding you to ensure you’ll forever be his loyal slave. (I am smart enough to know it is all for your earthy needs)

Don’t you have anything else to do other than feasting on people’s fear? I really pity your victims, dedicating their life to be dictated by fear you infested on them.

Unfortunately I no longer fear you, WHAT are you anyway? Just a ZERO-self-esteemed guy who can't accept having a powerful wife. You really can’t think of anything else to do to exceed your wife, right? Sad sad sad. I pity you.
I don’t care if others are still feeding you. But I won’t be one of them.


Heru Suherman Lim said...

Yes, setuju neh, kita sering hidup dalam ketakutan yang diciptakan oleh pikiran sendiri. menurut survei, dari semua ketakutan kita, yang benar-benar terjadi tidak lebih dari 5%.

Hendrik Sumardi said...

perasaan takut ada karena ada sesuatu yang "tidak cukup"
kadang perasaan takut itu juga membuat kita menjadi "orang lain" yang membuat kita nyaman, mempengaruhi orang lain dan "mungkin" mengambil manfaat dari orang lain juga, kita masih ingat setelah peristiwa 11 september, ex president bush mengobarkan rasa takut kepada semua masyarakat Amerika beberapa kali dia menyebut kata teror dalam pidatonya dan terbukti berhasil. masyarakat Amerika dengan agresif dan determinasinya menganggap orang orang timur tengah, asia (terutama Islam) musuh yang mesti di waspadai , terutama dalam perang melawan Teror.. tapi sekali lagi, ketika satu ucapan telah dilontarkan , susah untuk menariknya kembali,dan peristiwa bom bom di Afghanistan, irak dan bahkan di negara kita masih banyak terjadi... itu adalah akumulasi dari rasa benci, marah yang disebabkan oleh rasa takut itu sendiri

fear the fear itself (within you)

Anonymous said...

i must not fear. fear is the mind killer. fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. i will face my fear. i will permit it to pass over me and through me. and when it has gone past, i will turn the inner eye to see its path. where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. only i remain.
- bene gesserit's litany against fear