Sunday, December 16, 2012

No Feast Lasts Forever

I read this article Wisdom in the Air: "Akhir Sebuah Pesta" on my flight with Lion Air. The smartest article I ever read from its in-flight magazine.
What a relief... I loathe their Lady-in-the-Air section, a brainless article about their attendants, last month they covered an attendant who proudly boasts she drives without license and proud of it; this month another attendant announce that she has an endangered animal - a chimpanzee as a pet, and died. Why editor, why??!!!

Sorry about my complaints, wouldn't be me without it.

Anyway, the article is written by Jemy Confindo; it is beautifully composed to describe the over-the-top wedding day phenomenon. I have to admit that he wrote down my very fear that I have for that fateful day. Maybe not really about the finance part, but seriously... I don't understand why people put so much tears and sweat just for that one day.
There's a "the-rest-of-my-life" ahead, and that one big perfect day couldn't even guarantee how beautiful my future gonna be.
It's just an illusion, just for a day (maybe a few hours, really...) and damn it... you actually pay to "amuse" your own self.

I couldn't find the article in his website, so I just take a pic of it.
I hope you can read it... maybe when he updates his website, I'll share the link.

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