Saturday, August 24, 2013

Water in The Bottle

Check this youtube video about the The Truth of Bottled Water
The idea of Selling bottled water might sounds silly, who would buy things that are free and available abundantly around us? What's next? Even years and years ago Dr.Seuss have predicted something dodgy yet promising to sell when the environment collapsed, it's written in the Lorax. Bottled water, done. Does it mean next gonna be a hip bottled air, just like O'Hare advertisement?
Get a well-known celebrities to endorse ridiculous products, create an illusion that your life would be incomplete without it. And kaboomm!!! The product will be a hit!

As someone who spend almost 50 gallons of refilled drinking water per-week, I feel very bad watching the video above. Though, I think it's not as bad: I mean, we are not disposing the bottles right away, they get refill-ed (the 20L size that get chucked into a water-dispenser). Why we choose to buy bottled-refillable-water is about it's actually cheaper to buy rather than to boil tap water. Note that in Indonesia, our tap water is not ready-to-drink, we need to boil it to kill all the bacteria; the good thing about it is not-much-chlorine-in-it.
About those tiny bottled water that I could finish up in a few gulp. Gee, need to remind myself to always carry my water bottle. Save the environment, save the future.

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