Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Integrity, Courage and Persistence

In the past years I have come across some people that I admire most for their integrity, courage and persistence. Something that I don't have much in me.

Facing a situation where they were being held up against difficult situations: giving up to what "society" dictates and expects you to do, or hold up your chin and walk against the wind.

These people I mention before, actually braved up themselves and stand up for their idealism despite being labelled as the snobs. Maybe I shouldn't use the word "brave". It is always been their characters to stand up to what they believe in.
Brave... is something that I lack off

In their conquests, sometimes... they lose "friends", sometimes... they draw friends and foes to be a constructive life companions. I am always amazed... it is a gamble.
I hate losing friends, even asshole ones. Not that I love assholes... but there are not many of genuine friends out there; by implementing their strict attitudes, I would be left with only a few souls beside me.

But then again, they have proven that life would be better off without dragging a huge cart of "useless" friends. Life would be much better with friends whom we can walk together hand in hand.

Easier said than done, for me. Not easy. I now look like I am throwing a circle of salt to ward off demons. A total paranoid.
But they have proven that this idealism can be done. They survived it. They lose "friends" along the way, but none of them regret of the loss.

It is a glorious win, it is never a loss.

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