Monday, June 25, 2012

Chasing Virtue

About two weeks ago, a thread  Padang-originated “touching’ story was spreading around the Blackberry and Facebook world. So touching, that the true story was added too much seasonings which made way too dramatic. Naturally, it brought tears to those who listen or read the thread; and brought some sinister to those who happened to know the actual characters and despise them.

For those who were touched by the story, their reactions are predictable: they have a thought… “oh, how I wish I could help the kid and the mother”. THOUGHT ONLY, NO ACTION DONE. Well, some think by shedding tears, broadcasting and adding more drama to story is a noble action. Pfffttt!!! :p

But there was one guy who made an effort to get extra information about the mother and child, and he was willing to actually help. Since he wanted to give the most suitable aid, he asked me to tell the condition of them. I know those characters in the story, but not so much in detail. So, I decided to investigate their condition.  I guess I would be unwise to disclose it here, in case it’ll spread through irresponsible-broadcasting. The result of my investigation is, they are coming from middle-low family, staying in a decent house for free, get free daily meals from where they work, and they do have salary (below the government rate, but with the meals, I call it even)
Don’t get me wrong, I report to the guy as it is, without any personal opinions added. Until I wrote this, the guy is still discussing with his friends on what’s best to donate for the mother and child.

What I am trying to say is… any story, fiction, or even real event can be so dramatic with the power of pen – or maybe in the current world, the POWER OF FINGERTIPS.

I know those who wrote and spreading the story having “GOOD’ intention, BUT THEY ARE JUST LAZY and unwilling to put more effort YET they wanted to be acknowledged as the HOLY and GENEROUS one.

What I loathe most is those IGNORANT, NAIVE and SENSELESS people who broadcast and begs others to donate (in a forcing tone). Flooding timeline with dreadful pictures.  Adding  God’s name, Jesus’ name, Buddha’s name or whatever religious terms to intimidate others (or maybe they thought it'll add more good-karma points). Yet, I bet she/he’ll never every donate, not even a single cent. Click, click, click… and hoping good-karma flooding their merits’ account.

Almost on daily basis, I got broadcast from my FB and BB about sick people, poor people, needy people whose lives on a thread without people’s donation.  Some people don’t even check whether the information is correct. These kinds of donation-broadcasts are prone to misuse, some using private bank account to collect – it could be fraud, how sure are we that they are honest about it? And the most important thing, do those people really need it? Well, I am sure everybody needs extra cash when they get into trouble; but this is LIFE: when we get into trouble, don’t just sit and wait for people to help, u need to put some effort and fork out some from your own pocket too. Not just becoming a parasite with angelic face showered with tears (I got a bad experience from this event).
Some devious people can just become INSTANT-CON-ARTIST when given a chance.

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