Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Virginia is Blooming

The first water lilies that bloomed since I bought them :)
I guess the name is Virginia (Nymphaea virginia), a kind of hardy day-blooming waterlilies.
They are so pretty, aren't they? The flower will bloom in day time for 4 days, before the stem just go weak and it'll just rest. They started to bloom at around 6am in the morning, stays blooming until 3-4pm, and closes down during the night.
On the 1st day of blooming, the flower didn't fully open its petals, but it'll show the nectar cup right in the center of the flower (see pic, bottom right) 
I tasted it, it's quite fragrant with a subtle sweet taste. 
I heard a myth said, a sip of water-lilies nectar will rejuvenate for 7 years. I guess I'll have more sips when they bloom again. By then, I'll be immortal. Hahaha.

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