Sunday, October 21, 2012

Emergency Laundry

A friend asked how do I manage washing during my travelling. I usually only wash little things like underwear and socks, sometimes I wash my scarf too, that’s when I accidently spill something on it.
Here is a trick how to have your little laundry to dry up within a night
1. Prepare your washed laundry (in this case: my little socks) On top of a towel, lay the socks. Place it on the edge of the towel.
2. Pull the other edge of the towel to sandwich the socks
3. Flatten the sandwiched towel
4. Roll the towel
5. Roll the towel
6. Wring the rolled towel, wring as tight as you can. All the excess moisture is transferred to the towel.
7. Un-wring the towel.
8. Now you can grab the socks, they’ll be quite damp now.
9. Hang it in open air area. I promise they’ll be dry by tomorrow

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