Sunday, October 21, 2012

Update about Robi. Part 3

The project was done a couple of month ago. I was just lazy to write. Hahaha
But I guess I owe you a report. Here are the before-after pictures of the house make-over.
the bathroom
the front yard
the new room
The project was running well, but just like other mercy-project, there were some obstacles. I even doubt that the new room will be given to Robi.
Mostly because of greed, Robi's family member asked for more and more, kept on complaining that they needed more which none has anything to do with Robi. Of course, not all their wishes are fulfilled, we insisted to focus on Robi's welfare, rather than the whole extended family.

The leftover fund for Robi is not fully handed-over. I still wait for Robi's legal ID, so he can open a bank account under his personal name, rather than borrowing name from others (I even doubt his relatives)
But that's just me, I know I am abit way over-reacted about his relatives' attitudes. But one can't be too careful about money, right? Especially when it involves needy people.

Previous Posts: Part 1, Part 2

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