A very advanced flower pot, with many advantages:
~ Cooks perfect rice without burned butt
~ Low wattage energy saver only 350W
~ Stainless steel lid (missing)
~ Steel body
~ With keep warm feature
~ Capacity 1.8 liters
Friday, December 17, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
giant BANANA
Here's a pic of the largest banana on this month's harvest. It weighs at 1250g for just a finger!!!
Other banana on the same tree weigh ard 700-1000g/finger.
The giant banana was so huge that it lasts for 2 breakfasts of 5 people :)
It was made into "pisang goreng" for day 1. and "pisang bakar keju" for day 2.
Other banana on the same tree weigh ard 700-1000g/finger.
The giant banana was so huge that it lasts for 2 breakfasts of 5 people :)
It was made into "pisang goreng" for day 1. and "pisang bakar keju" for day 2.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
not-so-Holy War
Recently, a few churches was attacked by a certain-religion-group (1 2 3). The reason behind the attack is that those Christians have been using their private properties to be used as church. They claimed that they are supposed to do their Sunday masses in proper area (ie. proper church). While those Christians also claimed that the permit to build a church is quite complicated, such they need to wait for 10 years for the permit. Apparently, the police didn't do anything about the attack - they didn't protect the victim, they also didnt help the torturer. Inter-religious matters in Indonesia, for any case, with or without anyone's involvement usually will have a certain winner - the Moslem.
On previous attack on church (which obviously not solved yet)
A reporter get mass' reason on why they attack/force to close down the church
1. they do not hold permit to be a church (even it's a private property and used by a certain group of ppl)
2. a mother said she don't want any church near her residence as her kids are still young, she doesn't want them to get bad influence
3. they do not want their followers to change their religion
4. they insists that their religion is the best so everybody else should believe in their god too... etc
I will not comment on why the government cant do anything about it. we all know government are just useless in some matters :)
But... dear any religious ppl
Why are you worry that your followers will change their religion when they see/heard/learned about other faith? why?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tata is Back !!!
tata has been missing for 2 weeks. she was last seen on 14 november 2010. i never wrote it on this blog cos it's a painful thing for me. i thought she's gone for good - someone poisoned, tortured or killed her. it's a mean thing to imagine, but it's not an uncommon thing here in indonesia.
anyway, to everybody's rejoice, tata is back 3 days ago (29 nov 2010). she's skinny, her fur is messy, she got a cut on her eye, and got a medium wound on her right shoulder. but her appetite is alright, so i assume she's ok :)
many of my friends joke (or not) if i have asked where she has been.
well, i do not see the importance of knowing where she has been. i don't want to know if she was kidnapped or if she just had fun out-there.
all i want to know is she's back safely. i don't even care about the cuts on her body. she'll heal.
i am just grateful that she's back alive. that's all. no question asked.
thanks for coming back, tata.
of course, we took a pre-caution if she jumped off the fence again, we took some debris away from temple's fence.
she as temple's guardian should be free to roam around.
of course, we took a pre-caution if she jumped off the fence again, we took some debris away from temple's fence.
she as temple's guardian should be free to roam around.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Transformer: Ugly Duckling to Swan?
see what the power of make-up can do to an ugly duckling like me. i think i looked quite sparkling for the my bro's wedding day :)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Mr. Ant & his food
the sky was finally clear
wind blew softly
smell of after-rain was so nice
sun started to shine brightly
that place was very quiet
the only sound you can hear was His sound
Master's voice echoed in the grand Borobudur...
but, his soothing voice kinda made me calm and sleepy
then i stared on the paved floor where i seated
a big ant was so busy walking back and forth
going in and out of a hole between the paving blocks
he brought a white stuff out of the hole
i thought it was its larvae, but why did he put it out in open air?
he continued bringing the white stuff out and placing it in front of me
they looked like rice grains, some were big, some were small
maybe i am just fantasizing,
but kinda feel that he presented those grains for me
it's a warm feeling :) though maybe delusional
but I thank you, "big" ant!!!
it's wonderful that you've shared your food with me
wind blew softly
smell of after-rain was so nice
sun started to shine brightly
that place was very quiet
the only sound you can hear was His sound
Master's voice echoed in the grand Borobudur...
but, his soothing voice kinda made me calm and sleepy
then i stared on the paved floor where i seated
a big ant was so busy walking back and forth
going in and out of a hole between the paving blocks
he brought a white stuff out of the hole
i thought it was its larvae, but why did he put it out in open air?
he continued bringing the white stuff out and placing it in front of me
they looked like rice grains, some were big, some were small
maybe i am just fantasizing,
but kinda feel that he presented those grains for me
it's a warm feeling :) though maybe delusional
but I thank you, "big" ant!!!
it's wonderful that you've shared your food with me
Thursday, September 30, 2010
ช่วงที่ดีที่สุด - chûang têe dee têe sùt - the best moments
This song has been played on "repeat" mode for days. Despite my inability to understand any words of the lyrics, I still fell in love with the song.
Thanks to EL, I had a preview of what the song actually meant.
It's amazing that I fell in love with the song without knowing its meaning, yet the song speak what i have in mind.
Damn you BOYdpod, you guys are so good.
*First, I thought it's a boyband, apparently they are no longer boys*
Btw, the lyricstranslates to something like this...
Thanks to EL, I had a preview of what the song actually meant.
It's amazing that I fell in love with the song without knowing its meaning, yet the song speak what i have in mind.
Damn you BOYdpod, you guys are so good.
*First, I thought it's a boyband, apparently they are no longer boys*
Btw, the lyricstranslates to something like this...
Love is easy during the happy times. But when things get rough, it's hard but memorable at the same time. These difficult times show how much two people love each other. It's just a great feeling when you look back at them to see how you could get through it. After things ended, the past memories can come and haunt you once in a while. Good memories can hurt. Bad memories can hurt even more. But it's definitely worthwhile that, once in your life, you have lived through these "best moments".
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Songs in Translation
This is my friend’s “comment” about my latest craze of Thai songs.
Errr… about the fuck-ass thingy, maybe they do it, but not sure if they’d sing it.
I’ll try to find out. For this time being, I’ll enjoy the songs despite of their meanings. Thai songs are nice, k?
Errr… about the fuck-ass thingy, maybe they do it, but not sure if they’d sing it.
I’ll try to find out. For this time being, I’ll enjoy the songs despite of their meanings. Thai songs are nice, k?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Mencoba by Samuel Mulia
Below is article that I steal from our national newspaper. What he wrote is so TRUE , even it's true, not everybody can take it yet understand it. The world still goes round, and those brainless people still mock uncommon people like me. Despite any enlightenment, nothing ever changed out there, it's what's in me that need to change - my mind.
Minggu, 19 September 2010 | 03:18 WIB by SAMUEL MULIA
Saya sedang duduk di tepi pantai di atas kursi panjang. Deburan air laut terdengar diselingi suara burung. Langit pulau dewata, seperti biasa, biru bersih dan indah. Angin sepoi-sepoi menciumi kulit dan makin membuat rasa malas itu menjadi-jadi.
Entah mengapa, di tengah suasana itu, saya teringat akan pesan dari seorang asisten desainer yang sangat rajin menyirami saya dengan pesan-pesan mulia yang menyemangati dan menggampar pada waktu yang bersamaan. Begini pesan mulia itu. ” I can accept failure but I can not accept not trying”.
Kalimat itu menerbangkan saya pada masa lalu yang menjengkelkan karena trauma masa kecil oleh kepala sekolah yang membuat saya merasa ia harus bertanggung jawab terhadap ketidakmampuan saya memiliki kepercayaan diri sekarang ini untuk berani mencoba; karena tak bisa atau tak mau melihat dan menghargai kalau saya ini sudah mencoba dan gagal menjadi murid pandai.
Ada teman saya yang mengomentari saat saya berkeluh kesah soal yang satu ini. ”Kan, kamu sudah dewasa sekarang. Elo dong yang juga bersikap dewasa.” Benarkah demikian? Benarkah saya yang sekarang ini bisa tidak keder hanya karena saya dewasa dan bisa berpikir untuk tidak keder tanpa mengingat bahwa fondasi saya yang sesungguhnya begitu kedernya?
Kalau saya tak bisa matematika dan sudah mencoba dan ternyata hasilnya cuma ya.., gitu deh, mengapa saya dikelompokkan menjadi murid tidak pandai? Tak hanya guru di sekolah. Ayah saya saja pernah menggertak dan naik pitam karena saya tak bisa menjawab pertanyaan ilmu pengetahuan alam yang disodorkan kepada saya. Saya sudah berusaha, tetapi tak bisa.
Kemampuan saya tak pada yang eksak, tetapi pada yang tidak eksak, yang umumnya sangat tidak dihargai sebagai juara kelas. Namun, sepertinya ia tak mau tahu. Maka, ia berteriak dan saya makin tak bisa menjawab.
Kemudian saya berpikir, apakah quote-quote indah yang mengajarkan berpikir positif itu benar adanya? I can accept failure, misalnya. Saya, sih, bisa-bisa saja menerima kegagalan. Itu sudah pasti. Lha, wong hidup saya sendiri, kok. Akan tetapi, masalahnya, apakah guru, kepala sekolah, dan ayah saya mau menerima kalau saya gagal?
Menurut pengalaman saya, sih, mereka tidak mau dan tidak bisa menerima. Buktinya? Pengelompokan terhadap murid pandai dan tidak, saya di-kumon-kan (meminjam istilah sekarang) supaya saya bisa sama pandainya dengan anak tetangga dan, kalau sudah semua dilakukan dan saya tetap gagal, mereka kemudian berteriak begini. ” Gitu aja ndak bisa.”
Saya jadi teringat akan obrolan dengan seorang teman beberapa hari sebelum peluncuran film perdana pada akhir bulan lalu, di mana saya berperan sebagai bintang utama sebuah film semidokumenter. Begini ia mengirim pesannya. ”Bagaimana, uda siap dihina tanggal 31? Ha-ha sudah siaplah. Orang dari lahir juga selalu dihina-hinakan ha-ha-ha-ha.” Kemudian pesannya dilanjutkan begini. ”Aku sih berdoa sukseslah. You have to start from nothing to become something.”
Saya hanya berpikir, kalau seandainya guru dan ayah saya bisa berpikir seperti teman saya, mungkin saya menjadi orang yang paling berbahagia. Berbahagia karena dihargai karena mencoba dari nol dari nothing, bukan dinilai karena bermain buruk. Dinilai karena saya berani mencoba, bukan takut kalau hasilnya tidak menyenangkan banyak orang dan kemudian merasa tertekan pada akhirnya.
I can not accept not trying. Kalau dari kacamata saya sebagai yang tertindas, saya setuju bahwa semua orang harusnya mau melihat bahwa saya sudah mencoba. Namun, apakah guru dan kepala sekolah serta ayah saya bisa setuju dengan kalimat itu? Persis seperti quote lain macam begini. The most important thing is not the destination but the journey.
Benarkah guru, ayah saya, dan orang lain mau menghargai the journey, dan the trying-nya itu, dan bukan hanya semata-mata destinasinya alias hasil akhirnya?
Itu mengapa saya harus berpikir untuk tidak keder meski sejujurnya saya selalu keder. Maka, saya mengerti mengapa kalau dalam seminar saya takut bertanya, takut mengungkapkan ide saya, takut di suruh duduk di depan. Karena saya sudah terbiasa untuk tidak dihargai karena trying-nya.
Saya takut dianggap goblok memberi ide yang mungkin tak pernah terlintas dan tak biasa dilakukan, apalagi berhadapan dengan manusia yang tak pernah mau menerima kegagalan karena hidupnya tak pernah gagal, dan tak bisa menerima bahwa manusia itu bisa saja punya rambut sama hitam, tetapinya IQ-nya macam-macam. Dari yang jongkok sampai yang bisa kayang.
Itu yang membuat saya mulai berpikir, mengapa quote-quote itu acapkali dalam bentuk sebuah kalimat yang indah didengar, indah untuk dimengerti, dan menyemangati pada waktu bersamaan. Mungkin karena yang membuatnya pernah mengalami perlakuan yang ”tidak senonoh”. Dan, sayangnya, yang menghargai kalimat macam itu adalah manusia macam saya; bukan mereka yang pernah mengalami, tetapi tak mau menghargai the journey dan the trying itu.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Cool Hairstyle
Cool hairstyle not only for celebs.
Look at this big puppy's hairstyle, quite a match for Beckham's huh?
Btw, this one is natural, he didn't go to pet salon for the stylish look.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
no-sex taxi :(
- no foods
- no dogs
- no goats
- no weapons;
in the taxi, I can understand that. I have no problem with that.
But NO SEX IN THE CAB, that's a torture!!!
Arrrggghhhh.... plus traffic-jam
Oh Dear, why did I get this cab...
*sob sob sob*
- no foods
- no dogs
- no goats
- no weapons;
in the taxi, I can understand that. I have no problem with that.
But NO SEX IN THE CAB, that's a torture!!!
Arrrggghhhh.... plus traffic-jam
Oh Dear, why did I get this cab...
*sob sob sob*
The WangNoi Invasion
Was attacked by troops of WangNoi mosquitoes. Time of the attack is suspected around night time, though there were around-the-clock attacks was possible. Despite of the reinforced-net-shield, the troops was still able to penetrate. Resulting in total 56 bombings, with 19 bombs landed on right shoulder even though the area was protected by clothing (see picture).
The rest of the bomb scattered mostly around foot and arms.
There are also some nearly-impossible attacks on waist, butt and thigh; method of the attack was suspected to be guerrilla in split-second of shower time.
Purpose of the attacks:
It was believed to fulfill the troops necessity of blood-supply for their future reproduction
The Revolution:
After 1st attack, victim became well-aware of the situation and was armed with anti-mosquito biochemical-weapon. The weapon was not 100% effective; but together with the reinforced-net-shield, it decreased the brutality of the attacks in great scale
Recent Development:
The itching caused by bombings are no longer severe
But the physical scars caused by the attack will linger longer
Local pharmacies have been consulted to ease the pain and scar
Thus, a series of post-trauma treatments has been implemented
Monday, September 6, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Fancy Dinner at M*stura
These are what I had for dinner at M*stura. All dishes were prepared specially for us. Yes!!! All are off-menus. So honoured to be served with such creativity. Hats off to Chef Klaus!!!
1. Red Wine Amarone
2. Zucchini Flower stuffed with scallop and shrimp dressed, served with buttered zucchini and shaved Truffle
3. Halibut and Salmon Pasta Aglio Olio served with Japanese Salmon Roe
4. Roasted Heirloom Tomato with pesto
5. Duck Confit Cabbage Roll with grilled Duck Breast served with sour cherry sauce
6. Zabaliogne with biscotties and berries
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Here are few pictures that I took when I worked at M*stura for 1.5 days. It was a great experience to work with loads of dedicated people. They are such talented people. The food was wonderful in taste and look :) Work was tough, not cos it's a hard work, but it's long hour and require non-stop standing, but nevertheless it was fun!!!
I can understand why my dear friend Y loves her job so much. I would say that she's very lucky to do what she do best and love. Thanks to Y and her boss, Mass to allow me to be in the kitchen and wearing the costume :) And for all Y's chef friends, You guys are impressive!!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Injury Time
Exactly 15 Aug 2010, the day I landed to Jakarta, something happened to my left hand. The little finger hurt so bad. Well, it's been sore before the Canada trip, but it's never been this bad. I tried to put some ointment but the next day it swollen and even my arm so hurting when I move it.
Here's the pic of my hand after it got massage and wrapped in herb-paste.
It still hurts till now :(
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Reunion Time vs. Show-Off Time
Good memories .. Bad memories.. i think old times are not the time that suit me the most. Well mostly, bad memories come in mind.
I never consider my High School time to be my sweet memory-time. Not only I was never the pretty cheerleader girl nor the favourite girl in High School, I also suffered from endless mocking in those torturing years. I was kinda the weird geeky one. I will write more about my High School time on other entry.
Life was easier for me after that, I can be who I really am at Uni, I travel without anyone calling me names when I came back, doing things that i like the most.
Peace.. peace..
And suddenly ...
A few days ago, a message sent to my Facebook Inbox, the message is started for 30 ppl or so... I really have no clue who started the idea of my (nightmare) High School reunion, but I was trapped into a non-stop thread of 30 people replying-reply to each other. It's officially spamming. Plus the fact that my FB is connected to my BB, the 24-hour alert is driving me crazy.
The combination of FB and reunion is a nightmare, this social networking things really convenient in bringing people “closer” than I expected, private lives exposed and of course, it is a perfect media for showing things off.
In those days, I hardly known my peers in High School (thanks to the mocking, I lost most of my confidence there) But now within a few days since the reunion thread started, I get heaps of friend requests from which people whom I hardly recall, couldn’t recognize, let alone name.
Out of courtesy, I accepted the requests only to find that I’ve done a bigger mistake, now I am drowning myself in a pool of:
- people are posting their wedding or honeymoon pictures. Posing, kissing and snuggling. Please be more considerate to singletons like me.
- People who show off what meal they are taking. I don’t care what go down your throat every single hour. So what if you are taking meals at fancy restaurant 5x a day? Does it supposed to make you look like a royalty?
- People who show off pictures of their newly purchased LV bag right in front of the store. Oh please, you only own 1 LV bag, taking 20 pics of it won’t multiply the bag.
- People sending love messages to their lovers’ FB status. What’s wrong with private space now? Do you need to announce how much you miss your hunny-bunny-sugar-pops in social network to prove your love?
- People show off by secretly announcing their “advanced” lives. “I prefer to stay in Australia , I just can't stand traffic jams in Indonesia"
- or people purposely show off their latest whereabouts in innocent lines “I don’t really want to go, but my lovely hubby force me go to SGS – Singapore Great Sale”, and within 5 mins another status update: “I am at Priemere Lounge Jakarta, taking SQ to Singapore“
And stupid me, I should have just shut this BB off and end it all …
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Welcoming new Puppy at Vihara
About 2 weeks ago, I found a cute puppy running at vihara. Vihara's staff told me when she first time arrived in vihara, she was very skinny with sunken tummy. Maybe she's a stray puppy, maybe she was abandoned. Then the staff gave shelter and food for her. With love and good care, she's now a healthy and happy puppy. She doesn't have name yet, I call her Baby, some call her Titi (copying Tata's name)
Here's the picture of Baby and her vet when she had her 1st vaccination:
Thursday, July 15, 2010
bite the hand that feeds
One day I saw a mole-insect crawling on my office’s floor. Feared that it will be squashed by people passed by, I carry it up to release it. It was a huge one, as long as my index finger. Of course, it struggled inside my hand for about 10 seconds before I finally put it on ground. Then I found out that its strong spiky arms have scratched and cut my fingers.
Not so long after that, my mom reported to me that my employee kicked the poor insect after it released it. Mom said she tried to explain to my staff that I was meant to save the insect not to kill.
But then he answers “If you save it, you’ll end up getting hurt. Look at Ming’s hand, it bleed”
I guess what he said was correct to some extend. But I'd use the logic on human, not on animals.
Human tend to take kindness for granted, and even on not-so-rare cases, human also "bite the hand that feeds them"
Paper vs Styrofoam
On one fine afternoon, I accompanied my Mom to arrange dishes for my Big Bro’s wedding. The original plan was that they’re going to use Styrofoam bowls for some dishes. I rejected the idea; I meant my parents have been campaigning not to use Styrofoam as it is bad for our environment. How could we use in on our family’s big occasion? I opted for paper bowl, which is so hard to get so me and mom went to visit some aunties that are veterans in catering world.
The conversation went on like this:
ME: Auntie, do you know where to get paper bowl like this? I want it to be used for Durian-Ice (showing paper bowl I got from local KFC)
AUNT 1: Durian-Ice? No need such fancy bowl, just use Styrofoam bowl. I know who can supply them
Me: No, no, no. I don’t want to use Styrofoam. 不环保 (not environmentaly-friendly)
AUNT 1 & 2: What???
MOM: What Ming meant is, Styrofoam is bad for earth cos it’s not easily degradable
AUNT 2: Aiyoooo….. you worry about the rubbish? No need to worry, let the hotel handle it.
AUNT 1: Yes, the price you pay for hotel includes the rubbish fee. They’ll put all used Styrofoam bowls into big plastic bag and they’ll dispose it. You will not see them anymore. Easy.
Me: No, no, no. I don’t want to use Styrofoam. 不环保 (not environmentaly-friendly)
AUNT 1 & 2: What???
MOM: What Ming meant is, Styrofoam is bad for earth cos it’s not easily degradable
AUNT 2: Aiyoooo….. you worry about the rubbish? No need to worry, let the hotel handle it.
AUNT 1: Yes, the price you pay for hotel includes the rubbish fee. They’ll put all used Styrofoam bowls into big plastic bag and they’ll dispose it. You will not see them anymore. Easy.
AUNT 2: OK, now we confirm to use Styrofoam bowls. styrofoam bowls are so convenient and so cheap too. This's the best choice. I’ll call my friend to show you the samples, k?
ME: (speechless)
So, moral story of my day is “It’s not plastic or Styrofoam or carbon-emission that kill the earth, it’s our IGNORANCE”.
So, moral story of my day is “It’s not plastic or Styrofoam or carbon-emission that kill the earth, it’s our IGNORANCE”.
Now, anyone can tell me any ice-cream cup's supplier in Jakarta? due date is mid Oct 2010.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Happy Birthday, Min Min
Today, I am older...
I hope I'll be a little wiser than yesterday
Special thanks to my Bro n his wife-to-be, Ms. Amel for the cake surprise :) Very lovely
Thanks to Ladies at Vihara, who has cooked amazing dinner: Vegetarian Soto. All wiped out. Amazing!!!
Thanks for Siddhi crews for helping me from noon-to-night, starting from orphanage 'til dinner preparation.
Last but not least, special thanks for Porkchop, whose voice has brought heaven to earth today.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
magic P
To live in Chinese society where Confucianism is a way of life
To realize a tiny piece of Penis is much more powerful than a whole chunk of Brain
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Too Much of You Made Me Sick
I have a bad character of impulse impatience. When I like something, I want it, I want it now and I want as much as I want. I know it is a bad habit, but like other bad habits, it’s been very hard to change.
From many bad habit experiences, I remember one that I consider as my “first” act of impulse impatience:
One day my father bought me a pack of Cheetos – Roasted Corn flavour, I think I was in 4th grade of elementary school. It tastes so nice that I keep thinking of it. The next day, I managed to make my employee to take me to buy the same Cheetos. I forgot how I got the money, but I bought a box of it (20 or 24 pack/box). Once I got back home, I kept eating Cheetos, but guess what! I couldn’t take it after 3rd pack… it’s just too much. I end up giving the rest away.
The fear of roasted corn flavour actually lasts a long time, until I worked in snack industry. Believe it or not, I seriously cannot take any corn flavour anymore, even the smell of it makes me nausea.
So, Ming, you should have learned the lesson!!!
Why did you buy 10kg of PEMPEK in one-go??!!!
So sick of it now…. Too much, Ming…. Too much!!!
*guilty - holding a plate of unfinished pempek *
*sob…sob… sorry*
Pempek is a kind of fish-cake, a local-specialty of Palembang, South Sumatra.
Happy Vesakh Day
Were you happy? For a split-second, I was not. Here’s why…
A day before V-day I came to present some flowers offering, at temple I was greeted by V-day committee who quickly requested my flower to be used on Puja (kinda like a procession ceremony). I don’t mind.
On the exact V-day, I didn’t question much when I couldn’t find my flower on altar, which make sense cos they said it will be used for Puja, right? But on Puja, it was not my flower that was presented. I was still OK, thinking my flower is really way too heavy to be carried on procession.
After the whole praying-session, I found my flower neglected on meditation room"s floor (sadly, looks more like a abandoned storage room). I was quite pissed about that, esp. when my mom question why it is there. I picked those flowers up and put on altar.
Lucky I have a piece of Porkchop on hand to nibble on, all anger ceased. Case closed for me. I am happy again.
At night, I received a phone call from V-day committee who apologize for the incident, blaming some old auntie, who wanted her flower to be presented for Puja, so she can get extra V-day blessing, so she “throwed away” my flower in exchange of hers.
I have no problem if my flower was not used for Puja. Seriously!!! But it is totally rude to dispose someone’s offering on floor.
And the worst thing about this event is showed the poor understanding of the real blessing. Sadly this trend is quite saturated among those who swarm around temple. Blessing doesn’t come from flowers or food or incense or talisman or heaps of money-paper burned. Please check Maha Manggala Sutta about it
Thanks to Porkchop who remind me about the meaning of offerings
Thanks to Bhante who remind me about the sutta
I am truly happy
Happy Vesakh Day
May all being be happy
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Salted Fish ...
And he also asked a girl sitting beside me, "What is your favourite food?" She answered:” I can't take anything but Japanese and Korean food", then she list down 5-star hotels where she usually had those food (or so she said)
What the girl answered is a typical answer I heard when someone asked an Indonesian, "What is your favourite food"
- I can't take anything but dimsum
- I can't take anything but sushi
- I can't take anything but korean bimbimbab
- I can't take anything but burgers
- etc
All these answer I got from those people who was born in Indonesia, live in Indonesia, but may (or may not) been to those places they mention where they serve their favourite food.
Favourite food is a personal choice. It would be very wrong if I said it is a bullcrap that it is their favourite food.

But trust me, the reason why I wrote this writing is because I am totally against those people who look down on Indonesian food and praise foreign food.
I like Japanese food. I like Italian food. In fact, I like all kind of food...
I can just chuck any countries' food to my mouth
BUT I will still say
"Padang food is the best"
"Salted fish on hot-steamed rice is my all-time favourite"
"Salted egg on porridge always put a grin on my face"
Ahhhh.....I am drooling
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I am a pre-enlightened person
I heard it many times...
These sermons, these stories and morals of the stories, these jokes, these suggestions...
The difference is it was told by many different monks, different priests, different religious leaders.
I find out that almost every single of them keep repeating the same stories again and again. Kinda boring and predictable.
Once they said a few words, I can simply guess the end of the story and also moral of the stories
These sermons, these stories and morals of the stories, these jokes, these suggestions...
The difference is it was told by many different monks, different priests, different religious leaders.
I find out that almost every single of them keep repeating the same stories again and again. Kinda boring and predictable.
Once they said a few words, I can simply guess the end of the story and also moral of the stories
Well, I compare them to street peddler - selling their magic potion that cure every diseases...
So many people watching the peddler speaking magic about the potions...BUT
How many of the audience actually listen?
How many of the audience actually have the money to buy the potion?
How many of the audience who has the money, actually buy the potion?
How many of the audience actually buy and use potion after they buy it?
How many of the audience succeedly get the result of the magic potion?
I guess I am one of the audience who seen and heard too much about the miracle of magic potion.
I am able to buy, I already bought it.
BUT it seems like I just cannot make myself to make a good use of the magic potion, no matter how much I need it.
I am a pre-enlightened person.
I am able to buy, I already bought it.
BUT it seems like I just cannot make myself to make a good use of the magic potion, no matter how much I need it.
I am a pre-enlightened person.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Let Nature Takes Its Course...
I guess it is true that nature always find a way to solve things up, even if it's a prolonged unsolved problem.
Like what happen to Bangladesh & India.
Like what happen to Bangladesh & India.
"What these two countries could not achieve from years of talking has been resolved by global warming"
For nearly 30 years, India and Bangladesh have argued over control of a tiny rock island in the Bay of Bengal. Now rising sea levels have resolved the dispute for them: the island has gone.New Moore island in the Sunderbans has been completely submerged, said oceanographer Sugata Hazra, a professor at Jadavpur University in Kolkata. Its disappearance has been confirmed by satellite imagery and sea patrols.
see here for more info :)
Wishful Gaze
In front of me, there's innocent eyes from the boy that I can"t bear to see, I was trying to look away, denying what I see. I was holding my breath as I walk into those ruined rooms, how can they sleep in there? And again, I need to face my biggest fear: to see into their eyes. Those eyes that showed a big expectation from each person who came to visit them and promised to help them, and most of them never come back. Those poor children..
It"s all started last Sunday, my friend V asked me to join her to visit an orphanage, she brought some cakes, snacks and milk powder for them. Seriously, I was very uncomfortable to be there, it is not because of the kids' attitude, of course, so far, they have been very welcoming to strangers (I guess they get used to get visited)
It"s all started last Sunday, my friend V asked me to join her to visit an orphanage, she brought some cakes, snacks and milk powder for them. Seriously, I was very uncomfortable to be there, it is not because of the kids' attitude, of course, so far, they have been very welcoming to strangers (I guess they get used to get visited)
Well, before this, I've visited this particular orphanage before with DaAi team. Exactly like my previous visit, I didn't interact much to the kids unless they speak to me first, it makes me feel uneasy. I refused to say or do much in the orphanage, I also refused to create too much attention about the visit. ... not because I'm cold... but I really care about them in a different way.
These 2 babies that strike me the most. Both were surrendered by their poor parents whom unable to provide necessary care for them. I know their parents didn't have evil means abandoning them. At least in the orphanage, they can get necessary food and clothing and companion of orphanage brothers and sisters. Most parents will ensure their kids will get the best nutrition in their kids' early age. I am not quite sure how much nutrition the babies will get, but I am sure they'll stay alive.
It is painful to see that the kids live in poor condition, wearing either too big or too small clothing with holes here and there, eating whatever provided, sleeping anywhere they can find. More pics here...
It is painful to see that the kids live in poor condition, wearing either too big or too small clothing with holes here and there, eating whatever provided, sleeping anywhere they can find. More pics here...
I don't want to give any hope to them for that I cannot commit, not that I don't want to...
I wouldnt complain much, cos I cannot help much
I cannot promise much too..
How can I help, I cannot always provide them.
I hate the feeling of this hopelessness... but in my deepest heart, i really want the best for them..
I wouldnt complain much, cos I cannot help much
I cannot promise much too..
How can I help, I cannot always provide them.
I hate the feeling of this hopelessness... but in my deepest heart, i really want the best for them..
Monday, March 29, 2010
First, the dog was laying down as if it was tied up to the bike seat, but suddenly the dog moved & stood up on the bike seat!!! It even popped its head over master's shoulder to help the master check out the traffic :) Btw, it wasn't tied up at all. Smart dog!!!
Btw... i wish BB have a better camera, the current cam's response is too slow & pic quality is so poor :(
Btw... i wish BB have a better camera, the current cam's response is too slow & pic quality is so poor :(
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thank You
Today they started to demolish the house that I have lived for the past 20 years. I didn't cry, but I really thanks the building to sheltering me and my family for so long. It has succeed to keep standing despite of heavy damages caused by 30Sept09's earthquake... it has whole-heartedly protecting my family so they can came out safely. I really thank this beloved building.
No cries
I just swipe my eyes across the building
Gave final bow
Kiss good-bye
Thank you
I will try to upload day by day pictures of the demolition process
- day before (25/3) demolition process
- 1st day (26/3): mostly selecting what valuables left, I found my photo album... been misplaced for sometime, lucky I found it; many of my comics are still there...
- 2nd day (27/3): doors and windows already removed... 2nd & 3rd floor are see-through now
- 3rd day (28/3): roofs are removed...
- 4th day (29/3):
- 5th day (30/3): ceiling frame are gone...
- 6th day (31/3): main folding doors are gone
- 7th day (1/4): they started to bang the wall, scrapping steel wires out of the building (1/4 gone)
- 8th day (2/4): mainbuilding completely gone, some parts of adjoining building still attached
- 9th day (3/4): all gone... :(
Again, Thank You ...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
TV Interview Clip
A looooooong waited file has finally arrived. Here's the clip of my interview from Da Ai TV.
Finally it is here.
Dear friends, I was on TV!!!!
many thanks to Ms.Hsu who sent the dvd from across the ocean
many thanks to Mr.Ng who extract the dvd into this short clip of me only... hahaha...(maafkan aku, baru sekali ini masuk tipi, pak... jadi agak kampungan)
Finally it is here.
Dear friends, I was on TV!!!!
many thanks to Ms.Hsu who sent the dvd from across the ocean
many thanks to Mr.Ng who extract the dvd into this short clip of me only... hahaha...(maafkan aku, baru sekali ini masuk tipi, pak... jadi agak kampungan)
Friday, March 19, 2010
a Red Placebo Collar
Today i bought a new collar for Tata. A red collar, I think it's good for Tata as she's a girl, should get a more feminine accessories for her.
I also bought some raw cow hides for Tata's snack. It said will help to keep dog’s dental hygiene. Guess Tata would need it, she never brush her teeth ever.
The reason I bought the new collar is that last week she broke off her old collar; I guess she get bored being tied up for almost 2 weeks. So she broke free and run around temple. It’s not that we are cruel to her, but we just don't dare to let her go off leash as she would scratch herself wildly to anything – anywhere and making herself bleed again.
As I walk to cashier, I think about my reason to care so much for Tata.
Do I really like dogs? Do I really care for Tata? Do I do this out of compassion? or simple a placebo for my poor soul?
Placebo... maybe it is the reason
Maybe by being busy to take care sick Tata, I can feel good about myself
Maybe by feeding her, I can feed my empty soul
Maybe by playing with her, I can free my worries
Am I doing all these cause I feel sorry for myself?
Am I ???
I also bought some raw cow hides for Tata's snack. It said will help to keep dog’s dental hygiene. Guess Tata would need it, she never brush her teeth ever.
The reason I bought the new collar is that last week she broke off her old collar; I guess she get bored being tied up for almost 2 weeks. So she broke free and run around temple. It’s not that we are cruel to her, but we just don't dare to let her go off leash as she would scratch herself wildly to anything – anywhere and making herself bleed again.
As I walk to cashier, I think about my reason to care so much for Tata.
Do I really like dogs? Do I really care for Tata? Do I do this out of compassion? or simple a placebo for my poor soul?
Placebo... maybe it is the reason
Maybe by being busy to take care sick Tata, I can feel good about myself
Maybe by feeding her, I can feed my empty soul
Maybe by playing with her, I can free my worries
Am I doing all these cause I feel sorry for myself?
Am I ???
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Welcome, Mr. President
Went to Plaza Indo today, and saw President of USA sitting on becak, saying "I come in Peace!!!"
Too bad nobody can help me to take pic with Mr. President m(T.T)m
Just read that Mr.President's homecoming visit will be postponed again to June 2010 (was scheduled for18 March, then 23 March 2010). Though I am sure that the reason is not heaps of demonstration rejecting his visit... As one of Indonesian, I welcome anyone to come here. Indonesia is a beautiful country, you are welcome to visit anytime :)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Tata is getting better now!!!
Around a week ago, Tata, vihara's dog looked weird. Her left jaw was swollen, quite huge. I thought she was bullied by people or something. But day by day her condition getting worse (see the left side pic). Her whole body was swollen and must be very itchy, she couldn't stop scratching herself until she bleed badly... so sad to see her suffer. Anyway, lucky a friend gave me a vet's number.
I really have to thank Tata's vet. I was quite surprised that he didn't hesitate to drive all the way (from out of town) to see Tata, who is only a kampong dog. And was more impressed that he actually call to monitor Tata's condition. Btw, Tata is getting better, her scratch wound and pus are getting drier now, see on the right pic. She already have her spirit to chase off stranger too.
Thanks so much to Tata's vet for caring our dog.
Tata!!! Get well soon, k?!!!
I really have to thank Tata's vet. I was quite surprised that he didn't hesitate to drive all the way (from out of town) to see Tata, who is only a kampong dog. And was more impressed that he actually call to monitor Tata's condition. Btw, Tata is getting better, her scratch wound and pus are getting drier now, see on the right pic. She already have her spirit to chase off stranger too.
Thanks so much to Tata's vet for caring our dog.
Tata!!! Get well soon, k?!!!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Journey to The West
I used to love to watch "Monkey King". Since I found this clay thing, been so eager to put them into clay arts. It was a super fun experience to do research on these character of "Journey to The West", which lead me to know more detail of this legendary legend. I even had a weird dream about them (that I was on a chase and they all saved me) Hahahahaa...
For more pics pls check out "Journey to The West" photo album.
For more pics pls check out "Journey to The West" photo album.
Bantal Upik
Suatu hari Mama-nya Upik* kesal dengan Upik* yang selalu membantah Mama-nya.
Mama : Upik, Mama ga suka yah Upik bantah-bantah Mama terus!!!
Upik : Bantal???
Upik : Bantal yang mana, Ma?
Mama : Mama bilang BANTAH... BUKAN BANTALLL....
Upik : Upik ga liat bantal, Ma...
Mama: .....
*nama dirubah untuk menjaga identitas Ibu & Anak yg super unik ini. Btw... ini true story loh :)
Mama : Upik, Mama ga suka yah Upik bantah-bantah Mama terus!!!
Upik : Bantal???
Upik : Bantal yang mana, Ma?
Mama : Mama bilang BANTAH... BUKAN BANTALLL....
Upik : Upik ga liat bantal, Ma...
Mama: .....
*nama dirubah untuk menjaga identitas Ibu & Anak yg super unik ini. Btw... ini true story loh :)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Now and Then
My dear SE has accompanied me since 2006, it has gone through ups and downs with me for more than 4 years. I remember my darling once said "You must be a loyal person", I asked why. And the answer was "Do you know how OBSOLETE your phone is???!!!"
Well, not sure how loyal I am. But I am pretty sure that I am not so good with technology-updates. They are just too fast for a slow-learner like me. Anyway, SE is still working well, but it has showed some deteriorating signs; it's screen gone blank every now and then since 3 weeks ago. I am still using it 'til this second, though Bro already got me a new phone, a BB (Nice Bro, huh?) I am still not used with BB... he he he. Here they are, my current BF and my future BF...
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Cubadak Island trip
I guess it has been quite a difficult trip for AIESEC students when they are assigned to Padang. The city is naturally beautiful, but they couldn’t find much interesting activities here. Public transport (angkot) in Padang is quite tricky, they hardly carry their destination name or number on its body. And no route-map available at all; the only way to identify them is by their colour. It seems like only the locals know the way around. The locals are only able to speak 2 languages: Bahasa Indonesian and Bahasa Minang, their local dialect. So apart from infrastructure problem, they’d face a lot of communication problem.
Anyway, I really pity them so my parents recommend to take them to some small islands near Padang. Since they already visited Sikuai Island, yesterday (21Jan2010) we arranged the trip to Cubadak Island (Cubadak means Jackfruit in Minang language). Previously, we hardly recommend Cubadak Paradiso Village because the only way to get there is from Pantai Carocok - Tarusan, which need 1.5hours drive and 10mins boat-trip to get there. The driving trip was quite nasty, seems like we go on never-ending circle.
Anyway, I really pity them so my parents recommend to take them to some small islands near Padang. Since they already visited Sikuai Island, yesterday (21Jan2010) we arranged the trip to Cubadak Island (Cubadak means Jackfruit in Minang language). Previously, we hardly recommend Cubadak Paradiso Village because the only way to get there is from Pantai Carocok - Tarusan, which need 1.5hours drive and 10mins boat-trip to get there. The driving trip was quite nasty, seems like we go on never-ending circle.
The 10 minutes boat trip was delightful, it was an easy one. Once you approached the island, you’ll be greeted by Mr.Nani & Ms.Dominique, super friendly owner. I think they are French, but they speak perfect Indonesian. Then Ms.Dom showed us rooms get change (complete with bedding and bathroom). I can’t believe they provide us with rooms, we were only on day-trip! How nice!!!
Me & AIESEC students started explore the shore, not long, we went into the water. It was quite murky, I guess it is because of last-night hard rain. So, we wasn’t able to see through the water, we just walk and walk in the water. I didn’t know there were many coral around; I cut my feet, so did others... hiks... hiks...
Around noon time, Ms. Dom reminded us that the lunch will be serve at 1pm, which later conveniently announced by bell rings. So cool…!!! The lunch was so nice, yesterday we were served tomato and quail eggs salad, friend pumpkins, calamari rings and chicken in soysauce. Yummy!!!
Then after lunch, we braved ourselves to try snorkeling. I’ve never done it before. Gave it a few try, was quite hard for me to breathe from mouth. But after a few dips, I saw incredible scenery down there – the water suddenly becomes clear and I was able to pretty fishes and amazing corals. Naturally, I was able to snorkel. Hahahaha. The more I explore, the more I see, then I saw a group of sea-urchins; they really made my heart skipped. I decided to avoid them, I don’t wanna get poisonous punctures.
Later on me and other 3 AIESEC students took the rowing boat and started to explore the nearby reef. Basically we rowed, stopped and dipped our heads down the water to have a peek. It was amazing scenery down there!!! I saw many colourful reef creatures, saw fishes, giant clams, some crab-alike creatures, cuttlefish etc. Also saw a huge sea-urchin look alike creature, but it was so huge and it has striking blue colour; so I guess it was poisonous. On the way back, near the honey-moon suite, we saw a weird thing popping from the water, it was huge, slightly pinkish, swimmed slowly and has tail; we tried to get a close look, but it disappeared. I later asked Ms.Dom, who explained it was humphead parrotfish which commonly feed around the coral.
Overall, it was a very amazing trip. I hope AIESEC students enjoy it. For me, the trip was really worth the money. I really wish I could stay overnight there. Anyway, my only regret is that I don’t have underwater camera. I wish I can capture those pretty creatures for you to see. Will go there again, soon.
ps: Pics here are taken from Cubadak Paradiso website, I'll put up some of my personal pics... if there are any taken by the students
Me & AIESEC students started explore the shore, not long, we went into the water. It was quite murky, I guess it is because of last-night hard rain. So, we wasn’t able to see through the water, we just walk and walk in the water. I didn’t know there were many coral around; I cut my feet, so did others... hiks... hiks...
Around noon time, Ms. Dom reminded us that the lunch will be serve at 1pm, which later conveniently announced by bell rings. So cool…!!! The lunch was so nice, yesterday we were served tomato and quail eggs salad, friend pumpkins, calamari rings and chicken in soysauce. Yummy!!!
Then after lunch, we braved ourselves to try snorkeling. I’ve never done it before. Gave it a few try, was quite hard for me to breathe from mouth. But after a few dips, I saw incredible scenery down there – the water suddenly becomes clear and I was able to pretty fishes and amazing corals. Naturally, I was able to snorkel. Hahahaha. The more I explore, the more I see, then I saw a group of sea-urchins; they really made my heart skipped. I decided to avoid them, I don’t wanna get poisonous punctures.

Overall, it was a very amazing trip. I hope AIESEC students enjoy it. For me, the trip was really worth the money. I really wish I could stay overnight there. Anyway, my only regret is that I don’t have underwater camera. I wish I can capture those pretty creatures for you to see. Will go there again, soon.
ps: Pics here are taken from Cubadak Paradiso website, I'll put up some of my personal pics... if there are any taken by the students
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Fear Feasting
Have you ever watched Monster Inc. by Pixar? Basically the cute movie is about monsters who tried to scare kids and utilize their fear as power source of Monstropolis. It maybe a cute movie for kids, but it actually happens around us, in reality. Well, I didn't mean there are monsters in Monster Inc. are real, but what I am trying to say is, there are people out there who are feasting on others' fear. Not everybody will experience these things, some are very lucky to never meet such evil predator.
Start when you are a kid. Remember those days when bigger-built-kids bully you and snatch your snacks?
At school, the mean teacher keep threatening you with fancy punishment if you don’t get your parents to sign insurance that they secretly selling? (some teachers have a side job as insurance sales)
Policeman who caught you red-handed crossing lane (illegally?) and made you pay a lump sum of money
When a bloody fortune-teller keep filling your heads with accidents, misfortunes and curses when you don’t follow their "holy" requests. Or even worse, he poisons people surrounding you to ensure you’ll forever be his loyal slave. (I am smart enough to know it is all for your earthy needs)
Don’t you have anything else to do other than feasting on people’s fear? I really pity your victims, dedicating their life to be dictated by fear you infested on them.
Unfortunately I no longer fear you, WHAT are you anyway? Just a ZERO-self-esteemed guy who can't accept having a powerful wife. You really can’t think of anything else to do to exceed your wife, right? Sad sad sad. I pity you.
I don’t care if others are still feeding you. But I won’t be one of them.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
to Understand, Forgive and Love (again)
A dear friend, HSL recommended this book from Thich Nhat Hanh. He wrote it in simple words, no fancy terms, easily understood. I can digest the book in less than 2 hours, but to get his advices done, I might need more than 1 life time to get it done.
From the whole book, I feel that these paragraphs suits me most:
From the whole book, I feel that these paragraphs suits me most:
There may have been time when you could not communicate with your XXX. Although you lived in the same house, you might feel that your XXX was very distant. In this situation, XXX and you suffer. Each side believes that there is only misunderstanding, hatred and separation. XXX and you do not know that you both have the capacity to understand, to forgive and to love each other. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the positive elements that are always there in us to prevent anger and other negative elements from dominating us…
... You try to avoid XXX out of fear. You don’t want to suffer. But this can also create misunderstanding, and make XXX feel that you despise XXX. This can cause XXX a lot of suffering. You give XXX the impression that you want to boycott XXX, to ignore XXX's presence. You cannot face XXX and the same time you cannot avoid XXX. The only solution is to train yourself to be able to communicate again. Deep listening is the way…
Both paragraphs explain exactly the situation I am in now. Both can describe what happen to me and XXX,. It is funny, as if Thich Nhat Hanh is here himself to observe my situation. I guess many people are in the same situation like me.
The book explains how to unwind all these tensions. I wanted to try. But I am scared. What if I failed??? This will be my last shot. I am all gone if I lost this. I hope I can do it well without blowing my head off. I hope you know that I really love you.
The book explains how to unwind all these tensions. I wanted to try. But I am scared. What if I failed??? This will be my last shot. I am all gone if I lost this. I hope I can do it well without blowing my head off. I hope you know that I really love you.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Buddha for Everyday
According to Thai culture, these are Buddha figures appointed for everyday in a week. Thanks to Ven. Bhuripanno and Ven.Ditthisampanno for this interesting info :)
Illustration and explanation taken without any consent from u Thailand
Illustration and explanation taken without any consent from u Thailand
Monday, January 25, 2010
Why bike-short should be black?
On one fine day, my dear friend AD asked me an intriguing question "Why men bike-short are usually black?". My answer was simple, "Because it is much easier to match with the tops". Then, AD showed me the picture below, and saying "That is why, Ming"
Now I know WHY... so it can tell time??? 1 o'clock or 11 o'clock?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Earthquake Warning
Today, my dear friends sent me some information about possibly-next Sumatera (or Padang) Earthquake in different languages. Warning warning warning. I am not panic about it, but I am very curious about the credibility of the prediction. I came up with this particular article. I hope it will never ever happen.
Ulster Expert Warning On Indonesian Earthquake Zone
The earthquake which rocked Padang, western Sumatra in September last year killing more than 1000 people was not the ‘great earthquake’ which earth scientists are waiting for. In fact, it may have made the next massive earthquake more likely.
That is the key conclusion of a paper published today in the journal Nature Geoscience, the authoritative earth sciences research journal and website. Following its publication, Professor John McCloskey of the University of Ulster, who is the lead author of the study and an internationally respected authority on Sumatran earthquakes, has issued the following appeal to the international community. more...
Ulster Expert Warning On Indonesian Earthquake Zone
The earthquake which rocked Padang, western Sumatra in September last year killing more than 1000 people was not the ‘great earthquake’ which earth scientists are waiting for. In fact, it may have made the next massive earthquake more likely.
That is the key conclusion of a paper published today in the journal Nature Geoscience, the authoritative earth sciences research journal and website. Following its publication, Professor John McCloskey of the University of Ulster, who is the lead author of the study and an internationally respected authority on Sumatran earthquakes, has issued the following appeal to the international community. more...
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I am so excited, tonight is the 1st time to see my own face on tv :)
I really thought they gonna cut me off cos I knew I was super nervous when they shoot me... was so surprised to see myself hanging on the tv screen for quite a few seconds. Hahaha.
Anyway the program was taken by DaAi TV, it was about Padang Earthquake; a report of what have been done (or not done) after 2 months of the disaster. It was nicely captured.
Oh yeah... Dad was in there too. So proud of you, Daddy. Love you so much.
Special thanks to Ms. Feili Hsu, Mr. Tom Huang, Mr. Lin and Mr. Hendrik Ng for such compact report, it was very informative yet still very touching. Very nice to meet such dedicated person like you.
I really thought they gonna cut me off cos I knew I was super nervous when they shoot me... was so surprised to see myself hanging on the tv screen for quite a few seconds. Hahaha.
Anyway the program was taken by DaAi TV, it was about Padang Earthquake; a report of what have been done (or not done) after 2 months of the disaster. It was nicely captured.

Special thanks to Ms. Feili Hsu, Mr. Tom Huang, Mr. Lin and Mr. Hendrik Ng for such compact report, it was very informative yet still very touching. Very nice to meet such dedicated person like you.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year 2010
Happy New Year 2010 Babyyyyyyyy
Love you more than last year
Love Love Love You So So So Much
Love you more than last year
Love Love Love You So So So Much
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